Now that you have done a one light for dailies, or grading session for online delivery we can export our project from the Deliver tab. You can select from a list of Presets such as a Final Cut Round trip that renders clips with unique filesname, or Export right to FCP with the same original media filenames. There is also the option to create a AVID AAF Round-trip, and and AAF will automatically be exported to the render directory of the MXF files. You can also export this AAF XML, or EDL from the Edit page. The timeline can be rendered as individual source clips, or as entire timeline. These renders will be based on the settings you choose from the output dialog. If you want the full 10 bit data output for media use the Unscaled full range data option, so that nothing will be clipped or crushed during the render process. Normally scaled legal video, will crush at 64 and clip at 940 to ensure the signal is legally capable of being played through an NTSC system. If you are following the ACES workflow you should consider revisiting these settings on the LUT tab of the project settings, you can ensure the ODT will be set to the final delivery format. You can specify field rendering if this is an interlaced clip, or render audio to match the video if it had been synced earlier. It’s also important to specify whether files with have the source file name, or be rendered with a unique files name. Other Output options like sizing to highest quality, and force debayer res to highest quality will ensure any transforms performed in Resolve will be rendered from the highest quality possible from the original media. After you specify the timeline range you want to render you can select the ‘Add Job to Render Queue’ button, then ‘Start Render’. Now we can bring the output media into our NLE with the exported roundtrip file, or the output file we create of the timeline from the Edit page.